Tuesday, April 26, 2005

The Infinite Reason

(I am posting old blog material for my readers to read. I love getting feedback on everything I write, wether it has to do with pop culture or theology, let me know what you think.)

Our debt is infinite and because of that we deserve hell and damnation. There are only two ways for our debt to be justified. One is to bear God’s wrath in spending an infinite amount of time in hell for our sins. Or two, by the blood of Christ who bore Gods’ wrath that was intended for man. Our sin is covered and justified by Christ’s blood. When we sin God no longer sees our sin but sees the blood of His Son covering us. There is nothing we can give to him. This blood is freely given to those who will except it. We serve a jealous God who is just and demands our worship to Him. So what has man done? Man has turned worship into an entertainment-focused/self-centered service. The most common post-worship question is “what did you think of today’s service”. As if we, the church were the audience. We have become the uncommitted spectators who try to grade the performance of worship service. Finding ways for it to fit our needs and then everything becomes judged based on man’s needs. When we worship, who are we worshiping too? God is the audience and we are the worshipers. The real question should be “what did God think of the service”? It is so easy to forget that in going to worship our main concern should be to “worship in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). God desires worship above all else. Worship is what God wants from us and should be the ultimate priority of our life. Worship is not for us but for God. In no way should it be focused around man but centered around God. May God be glorified through our corporate worship, and may it be conducted in that understanding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you really want feed back? I think I know the kind you are looking for, if I am right, then I offer you something different: Can you write this same thing, but in Brian's voice? Try it. You might like it. You write well, so write like you. It's good.