Monday, April 25, 2005

The Maybe All I Need Is A Shot In The...Hand

Sunday Afternoon was beautiful. The weather was perfect, I was surrounded with good friends and went on a walk in the evening to our coffee shop. There I was bought dinner, I spilt water all over our chess board, got killed in a game of chess and relaxed for an hour or so on the couch. This coffee shop is 7 blocks from my house and it's almost at that perfect walking distance. On the way home we're walking along the sidewalk, it's quiet out, no traffic an all of a sudden, we hear a firecracker sound. I look down and my hand is bleeding. I hold it up and I see this black car with two white males about my age driving away and turn the corner. So immediately I started to say a few words to them at the top of my lungs, then found myself running as fast as I can down the next street hoping to cut them off. I get down a block and I'm standing in the middle of the road looking for this car and realize that I have smoker lungs and I can't really run much futher. So i'm walking back to Brad and Sarah who didn't know what happened yet and showed them my hand that was bleeding and all swollen. There's a huge metal bb right between my first two knuckles and I said I was just protecting them. It was pretty sweet, I starting to think of the Royal Tenenbaums with the bb stuck in Chas's knuckle. I was almost convinced to leave it in there just for that reason. But we got home, Sarah nursed my hand with Iodine and attempted to dig it out but it was really deep. I ended up going to the hospital a few hours later. I went to the ER at 10pm and walked up to the desk and sayed,
Me:"I just got shot".
They look at me and started to laugh,
Them: "he just got shot....(still chuckling) well where..?"
Me: "In the hand with a bb"
Them: "Oh, then just come on around and we'll get you a room".

I spent over three hours in this small florescent lit room. I found myself getting impatient and started to grumble. I was tired as hell and I didn't know if I could lay down on this bed because I would mess it up. I realized just how small I am at this moment. I kept hearing pages for doctors to help pregnat mothers, I kept hearing about this old lady next to me and how she is in so much pain and I'm here with a "minor" wound complaining. So I laided down on the bed, took off my sweater and went to sleep. I slept for an hour and no one had came yet. Finally a nurse came in, looked at my hand and said I would need X-rays. So they X-rayed the hell out of my hand and said, "yep, there's one in there alright". I went back to my little room and had another 45 min nap. They came in, gave me a shot, numbed my hand up, took a scalpel and made an incision, creating this huge hole in my hand that was pretty amazing. Blood kept oozing out and I couldn't help but watch. She dug around in my hand, cutting it open for ten minutes until she found the bb. It was really deep and surrounded by tissue. I left the hospital with a large prescription of Vicodin and a really sore hand.

On top of all of this, earlier I had purchased tickets for the Headphones show at the end of May. Bought two tickets at ten bucks each and was extremely excited about the show. I get home and I look on the tickets and see that it's a 21 show. This sucks! It was like getting shot again. I don't know which one is worse, getting shot in the hand by a pellet gun or realizing that you can't attend a concert that you've been looking forward too.

Oh well, "just smile all the time". So this was my sunday. Pretty interesting I say.

1 comment:

Anna Murnion said...

You poor kid. I tried calling like three times, you are probably too drugged up to answer though. haha. Yes, Brian, you have the most interesting life.