Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Lost, The Song, The Books

My keys have been missing for almost two days now. This sucks profoundly! No access to my junky car, no house keys, nothing. What am I to do?

I am listening to Planet Telex by Radiohead. This song fits perfectly with how I feel right now. "You can force it but it will not come". My Damn Keys.

I have started reading the "Time Quartet" boxset. This includes A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A swiftly Tilting Planet and Many Waters by Madeliene L'Engle.

1 comment:

Anna Murnion said...

"so i just don't's getting worse"

Strangely, I almost started A Wrinkle in Time last week. My sister was just reading it a few months ago, and Melodee is reading it at work. It is definitely on my list for this summer, and I have never read any of the others before. I'm not relaly sure I would like them though.