Saturday, June 11, 2005

A Part of Chapter One: A Discovery In A Small Black Box.

This is a short screenplay my brother and I are currently writing. We both love dreaming up childhood adventures and magical journeys and are drawn to the innocence of a childs mind. This is the first screenplay we've done and one that we're wanting to film this summer. We are only attempting a few basic ideas and an easy plot to start with. This part of the story jumps right in the middle where two young boys are playing in the woods with swords and using their imagination to build a world involving wizards and differnent creatures. One boy realizes that he's late for his violin lesson and takes off running into the woods off the path. I'll let you piece the next few sentences together....

Landon trips and falls down on his face.

Landon, are you alright?!

Yeah, I’m fine. I tripped over something.

They both look behind the trail they’ve made to see the corner of a black box sticking through the ground. They freeze their stare on the box and Mason kneels down next to Landon. They both start to crawl on their knees edging closer to the box.

Come on, lets dig it out.

They dig the box out and place it between them. They both have a look of awe on their face.

What do you think it is?


I don’t know. Probably more junk
left over from the hunters last season.

On their knees facing each other with the box in the middle, Mason brushes dirt off the front revealing a lock. He attempts to open it.

It’s locked.

Mason looks closer at the box lifting it into his lap investigating it.

It must be important then. Who locks
boxes like this?

There’s a short pause and you hear nothing but wind from the trees.

(suddenly) Bank Robbers! This is the perfect setup.
These people rob a bank and hid the money
in this box. They’re probably just waiting
for things to cool down before they
use the money. (pause) We could be rich!

No, it’s to small to hid a lot
of money in.

Mason flips it around with the bottom facing Landon.... (missing a transition here)....

Landon has excitement and curiosity all over his face, yet is silent. Mason inserts the key and unlocks the box. The lid opens and both boys lean in over the box looking straight down until their heads rub up against each other. Mason pulls out an old....

1 comment:

Anna Murnion said...

I am so excited about this! The more I think about it, the more excited I get.