Friday, October 7, 2005

"If You Can't Do Something Smart, Do Something Right."

Not since Cowboy Bebop has there been a decent film about cool, ass-kicking, sloppy living bounty hunters. And Serenity just happens to be that good of a movie. Peeking a little over two hours just doesn't seem to be long enough.


Anonymous said...

You are correct to draw a comparison between bebop and serenity. I haven't seen the movie yet but I have seen the show it was based on, Firefly. It seemed like a rip off of all things sci-fi. The characters were unintersting copies of bebop bh, with the boring sarcastic whit of an average sci-fi channel original series. ie Andromeda.

Boring and stupid.
That's all

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Serenity is a cool movie! I really liked it and I didn't think I would. It's too bad that Serenity/Firefly can never become anything as wonderful as Bebop. The ending will be stupid.

Let me explain.

You mustn't forget that American sci-fi series endure as long and only as long as they are profitable (remember Star Trek?). Whedon will continue Serenity, making up the story as he goes, adding and killing characters, introducing new themes and conflicts (losing focus is what I mean), until there is too much to ever be satisfactorally resolved.

Bebop was able to have a great ending because the entire story was written before animation began. The plot might not have been, but that doesn't matter (there is a difference between plot and story). A fully realized story provides focus, making the foundation for a great ending. Serenity has no focus.

To summarize: If it is written as it goes, the story will always suck.

Still, Serenity is a great popcorn movie, but I know better than to look forward to the sequel. I already know what happens...


Absolutely nothing. The bad guys won't be defeated, and the movie will end with the crew of the Serenity flying off to their next adventure.

That's all I have to say,

I think Serenity has become for me a movie like The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings. I love all of these movies, especially to make fun of them.

River is retarded. Squish.