Friday, December 16, 2005

The Things That Drift Away

So after a whole month of an internet free lifestyle(not by choice) I feel I must write about the world then reword everything into two or three different drafts just to show how much I have missed my culture. Then you guys might think "wow, he knows his stuff" but then would see that I'm talking about the same thing and then would think that I should get a life and stop wasting time. But I can't get a life. I'm sitting here at 2:30 am (you were right Anna) listening to Ben Fold scream "I'm not tired" over and over and it motivates me to stay up all night. So I start thinking of something to write, but nothing comes. I'm stuck in the mud and my tires are spinning. So I'll talk about albums from this past year. Please note this is my first half-hearted draft.

1. Earlimart's "Treble and Tremble". Anna was here for last years New Year and we did two things that I will always love, a. watching Life Aquatic, b. taking the light rail downtown to barnes and noble, read a review in spin magazine about Earlimart and to go out and purchase a copy at Let It Be Records two blocks away. Our time that afternoon only lasted a few hours, but together walking through our semi clean streets of Minneapolis, our time turned to days and nothing else mattered.

2.Crap there are so many sweet albums! M83's "Before the Dawn Heals Us", Iron and Wine's "Women King", Sufjan Steven's "Here comes the Illinois", Nada Surf's amazing portrait of sacrifice in "the Weight Is A Gift"(which for the record is the best album released this year!) Death Cab had "Plans" and Antony and the Johnsons gave me more soul then I expected in "I am a Bird Now".....I'll just stop there. I'm tired. I'm listening for the first time to Calexico and Iron & Wine's "In The Reins" and I think why I didn't pick up a copy of this earlier.

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