Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Kind of Like Hottnosity

You know I do feel different. I have two things to say about being skywalker. Two things that aren't "stupid". I'm in my home town right now, which is in Montana where my girlfriend Anna lives. I live in Minneapolis which is exactly 844.74 miles away from here. I will be flying back once a month until our pre-engagement sessions are done (or I like to refer to them as the "Back Room" sessions). I've been doing a good job involving rock n roll into my decision making thus far. When asked questions about marriage or love I respond with "the weight is a gift" or i'll start explaining the meaning behind "Handshake Drugs" without giving the reference. Or as Anna responded to a question from her dad with "this tempory life", I was thrilled. We have fun with it. One thing that Minneapolis needs is a Hastings. This store has the best anime selection, cheap ass cds and close to free film rentals. I've had several personal "moments" within their culture plague walls. This last Thanksgiving I came back for a few days and within that time Anna and I made a few trips to Hastings. We were looking at the anime section talking about the ones we like and disliked. Suddenly on the main store tv came the "Always Love" music video. This was the first time watching the film and had to stop in pure gleam! Hott damn, Nada Surf is playing we said. Well actually I said that. That was a highlight of the day for us. A few days ago, on New Years Eve Anna and I are looking all over town for a copy of LCD Soundsystem for our bash/dance cocktail drinking filled evening. Hastings was the last place we looked and the only one to have a copy. I mean we could very well have iTuned it, but it's more fun looking together in stores. So the nice lady takes us over to the two copys they have and HOLY HELL! there was a "just like new" used copy for 5 bucks. What a steal is right. Man I was on top of the world, and Anna is right there with me, this couldn't be more perfect. Well it get's better, we decided to pick up Imogen Heap's album and work through that together during my stay. In the check out line I hear a song over head. I lean in away from the crowd to get a better sound check and before I knew it I draged Anna with excitement back into the music department and we two-stepped to Death Cab For Cutie singing Earth Angel! I leave tomorrow.

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