Sunday, January 15, 2006

Right It Down, Even If You Won't Cross It Off

A few highlights from church:
a. Membership Classes started today at Good Shepherd.
b. I throughly enjoy hearing babies, during church, make noise. During our many times of prayer you will hear a baby start to cry or giggle or as this morning, hear Alex right next to me make the "S" sound over and over. Later he suddenly farts really loud and didn't even care. I take much delight in hearing sounds from little ones during a service. The're suppose to cry and wiggle for the hour and a half sitting in one place. I think of it as their way of praising God and our way of exalting His name for such a gift. So every Sunday I sit in the very back of church, where all the familys with small children are and surround myself with them. FYI, there are at least half dozen pregnant woman in the church at this time. Heck Yes.
c. After this was all said and done, a young fellow named Reed came up to me and introduced himself yet again for the third time. It turns out we both can't remember names very well. So we talked about computer games (Far Cry. The AI is incredibly hard and smart) and having air soft wars in April. "Far Out", I said. So we're going to battle in this huge field in a short while and war it out until no one is standing.

1 comment:

Anna Murnion said...

I love what you said about how little kids are supposed to cry and wiggle. Maybe they don't know they are praising God, but through their sounds, we praise Him.