Monday, February 20, 2006

Karen O, LaBri And A Very Cold Playlist

First I would like to say that Gold Lion by the Yeah Yeah Yeah's is the hottest single to come out this year. What a change from their Fever to Tell sound. If I heard right, Spike Jonze's brother is producing the album and the band went through a massive make-over. Jack White will choke on this song.

gold lion/ yeah yeah yeah's
she sends kisses/ wrens
summer skin/ death cab for cutie
space travel is lonely/ sun kill moon
maple leaves/ jens lekman
fille atomique/ nous non plus
blizzard of 77'/ nada surf
blue orchid/ white stripes
saint simon/ shins
mind of her own/ pedro the lion
29/ ryan adams

The convention was well done.
I enter the lobby, walked up to the registration table with everyone's folder layed out and I begin to glance at the names. I ask the nice lady behind the booth if a Shaun and Sember Larose were registered. We glance and she shakes her head with a no. What about a Jeremy Huggins, I asked? Again, a shake of the head. Now picture me with a disapointed look on my face as I ask for one more name, Brad and Sarah Johannsen? Within seconds my world fell apart. No one was here. I was alone in this city with no one to smoke with and drink with. I walked away staring at my shoes. But my story unfolds to a happy ending. A rather large group of middle aged members from my/their church surprised me with a hello and I fell over with excitement. If you ever spend the night in Rochester or are driving through, I recommend a nice little bar named "Newts". I also encourage you to drink a pint of New Castle.

I'm also working on a topic for a group discussion. A few people from my church and I are starting a pop culture night each month where we'll watch films and listen to music. We are opening it up to anyone who cares to come. We have our first session planned out, so i'm taking the next month to put some material together for the next. I'm leaning towards this, "Love, Courtship and the Language of Rock n Roll". (it took me all day today at work and a small pad of paper to come up with that name ) One of my arguments will be, "there is a lot one can learn from listening to rock n roll". Truths and lessons you couldn't read in books or hear from your parents. I want to listen to songs like Obstacle 1 by Interpol, Lucky by Radiohead and Handshake Drugs by Wilco and talk about what they have to say about love, sacrifice and relationships. I want to listen to Ryan Adam's 29 straight through. I want to listen to Tiny Vessels by Death Cab. Any suggestions? Please.


Anonymous said...

OK, Brian, how the living hell do I email you?

So I've seen your site. Very nice--I'll read more later. Time to see mine. The movie blog:

Oh, and here's ten more suggestions:

1. Winchester '73
2. Funny Games & Cache
3. The Shop Around the Corner (since you love It's A Wonderful Life)
4. F for Fake--Bizarre O. Welles on Criterion, dude
5. Pickup on South Street (by Naked Kiss director Fuller)
6. Yojimbo, if you ain't seen it...
7. Beyond the Valley of the Dolls
8. Little Otik
9. You have seen Amelie, I'm guessing. If not, do so.
10. For God's sake, if you want to direct, see the films of Howard Hawks: Red River, Rio Bravo, Bringing Up Baby, His Girl Friday, The Big Sleep...

Good talking with you...

Brian Murnion said...

Howard Hawks is amazing. I've watched all those but red river. You can never go wrong with Kurosawa. Flat out.
I rented Naked Kiss a few weeks ago, I liked it. I'll put shop around the corner on my list. I pass by it all the time at the store.
I'll look up Winchester 73 and Funny games. Since you liked those so much.
We'll have to run into each other at the coffee shop again. That was nice.

Anna Murnion said...

Your discussions will be good, they'll be great. The only suggestion I have is that maybe you could send me your notes when you get them worked up? That would be excellent.