Monday, April 3, 2006

As Our December Sun Is Setting

Tomorrow evening Is the night. Three weeks ago, the final scene we needed for "Palisades" was ruined due to really bad/cold weather and defected battery's that wouldn't hold their charge. Now, after my trip to Montana and some time spent on finding new battery's, we are re-grouping to film the murder scene in this alley way located in Uptown. Tomorrow morning I'm buying a large cup of drip coffee, spend a 1.50 for a ticket on the Light Rail and will write out my shot list.

I am still in need of an editor. Someone to edit this and my last short film. I'm planning on entering this short into the Trinity Film Festival out in Moscow ID this fall. On April 16th, there is a local filmmakers club where people show their work from the previous month and this month they are showing music videos. Something to help motivate me.

It sucks. Once you get started on a project and have to postpone it for some difficulties and have to go out of town, it's hard to find the motivation to finish. Even though I keep thinking of having a finished film, I've had trouble finding the wind to put in my sails. I walked into Cinema Revolution on Sunday and a coworker was using the computer to edit his film for class. I think that's all I needed to see was someone work on their film and accomplish something. I am now dreaming of tuesday night. I have a feeling it'll turn out well.


Anna Murnion said...

"I'm not who I used to be.."

Set-backs is all they were. You still made something great, tonight is just your chance to complete it. I have a feeling it will turn out well too.

Joel K said...

You need an editor? I'm not a professional by a long shot, but I'm fairly experienced in Avid and Vegas 6. When would this be? Obviously I'll be super busy editing my movie the last half of this summer, but depending on when or what I might be able to help you out. Let me know. is my main address.