Thursday, November 23, 2006

The Thanksgiving Day

I'm thankful I have a day off from work that I may sleep in a bit.

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is the ultimate Thanksgiving Day movie.

Tonight, as I copied a huge stack of Cd's borrowed from my roommates, Anna read aloud "A Temple Of The Holy Ghost" by Flannery O'Conner. It was nice.

Sufjan Steven's "Songs For Christmas" is worth every penny of your allowance. If you decide to pick it up, you'll own 5 Christmas albums, a Christmas poster of Sufjan's family, a rather large comic strip, short stories written by Sufjan, chord charts, five stickers and an animated short film. All for only 20 bucks!!

For the last seven months, since I moved to Billings, I've listened to the first five Bob Dylan albums. Out of these five, The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan is my favorite and possibly his best record. Why is Dylan so good...?? He has a way of talking about problems instead of preaching about problems. His love songs are far from being sappy and lame. He sings about real life, life in the coal mines, life as a shoe shiner, life as a bartender. He makes the green party look attractive again. If you could listen to only one song of his, check out "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall", and tell me if that isn't the coolest, most surreal/downtoearth folk balled ever!

Billings is full of redneck republicans, and last night Peter Rae, Mike and I were drinking coffee and smoking at City Brew and this car drove by with the driver hanging out his window yelling, "YOU'RE DRINKING SHIT SHITDRINKERS!!". Enough said. One day, I'll use that line in a movie and it will be awesome. Thanks, Shit Thinkers, whoever you are.

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