Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tagged By The Notorious G.I.B.

Four Jobs I've Had:

1. Cinema Revolution
2. Contract Painting
3. IHOP (for four hours)
4. Caribou Coffee

Four Movies I Could Watch Over & Over:

1. Raiders Of The Lost Ark
2. Thin Red Line
3. Lost In Translation
4. It Happened One Night

Four Places I Have Lived:

1. New York (twice)
2. Southern Cali
3. Twin Cities
4. Baton Rouge

Four TV Shows I Love:

1. The OC
2. Seinfeld
3. The Office
4. Samurai Jack

Four Places I Have Been For A Vacation:

1. Vancouver BC
2. New York City
3. Disney Land
4. Seattle

Four Websites I Visit Daily:

2. YouTube
3. The Cedar Room
4. Drudge Report

Four Favorite Foods/Flavors:

1. Roasted Garlic & Olive Oil
2. Red Peppers
3. Sharp Cheddar
4. Chipotle!

Four Places I Would Rather Be With Anna My Love:

1. Iceland (anywhere)
2. The Great Barrier Reef
3. At The Movies
4. Married and Living in Mpls

Four People I'm Tagging:

1. Matt Donovan
2. Caleb Dahl
3. Sember LaRose
4. Sarah Johannsen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good call on "The Thin Red Line." I could probably watch that one over and over again, too.