Friday, February 16, 2007

Performance over Continuity? Sometimes It's Either One Or The Other.

After shooting this last weekend, I've been editing night and day trying to finish my short film. This is my first film that I've included dialogue. It's challenging, and I realized I completely screwed up a shot. I have a character mostly out of frame and it doesn't look to good. That and I have a few issues with my lighting continuity in one of the scenes. Staging your characters dialogue to flow, along with lighting a scene is harder then it looks. After noticing these things, I became down a good part of yesterday. Then I watched Marie Antoinette last night and noticed a small hand full of continuity mistakes that Sofia made. It affirms that she is still human and that mistakes will continue no matter what. And yes, I really really liked Marie Antoinette.

It has by far my favorite soundtrack to any movie. It makes the film.
In fact, I'm listening to it now. The Radio Dept. is amazing!

I'll have a rough cut of my short film finished by mid-next week. A week later, after critiquing it, I'll release it on the YouTube.

Stay Tuned...

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