Thursday, October 18, 2007

Film Festival Update:

About two months ago, I finished my first short film titled, Maudlin Plea. I worked with cinematographer Jim Abel, who's worked as a DP (director of photography) in film for over 30 years, and with his help, he was able to make my film look really really good.
After shooting, which took two 12 hour days and one 6 hour evening/night, I spent a good week or so in post-production. Editing the footage, mixing the sound, color correcting and picking music. I then submitted my film to eight festivals around the US of A, hoping for acceptance and recognition.

Today, about 30 minutes ago, I received an email from my first festival submission, and they denied my film. They gave me a list of films that were accepted, and one of the films was directed by Gus Van Sant.

I'm a little disappointed, but not upset. I really need to focus and work on another project. Maudlin Plea taught me a lot about film. I never went to school for this. I'm learning on my own, and this is part of the process. I thank God for allowing me to have made this film, and for what I learned. I thank God for allowing my film to arrive at the festival and to be judged. I thank God for my wife who supported me through filming and for having patience with me. I thank God for my parents who've supported me since high school. And I thank God for being made in His image.

If you would like to receive a copy of Maudlin Plea I would be more then happy to mail a DVD right to you. All I ask is that you pay for the postage (which is like seven dollars).
You can email me here :

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