Saturday, December 29, 2007

A broad itinerary for the next few days + This frozen pizza tastes like heaven.

At 11:20 Anna and I fly out of Billings, landing in Minneapolis just an hour and a half later . From there, we'll eat lunch with Angelina and Derik at Chipotle then get settled in at Eric and Leah's basement for one week. During this week, we will find a house/apartment that we'll love and move into on the 15th of January.

I'm transferring with Starbucks to the financial district in downtown Minneapolis. Which will be pretty sweet. The store is open Monday through Friday, 6am until 6pm. I'll work only 4 days a week pulling 9 hour shifts. Which will be cake. That means I'll have three days (about 30 hours) a week I can devote to filmmaking.

We'll have a New Years celebration with a few friends. I'll bring out LCD's self-titled record and dance and drink cocktails the night away.

This will maybe make sense to two people, but Cub Foods sells Home Run Inn frozen pizzas, which I will score, and bake. For those out there who've never had this pizza, this isn't ordinary generic brand pizza you normally buy, this is like supreme pizza of the month pizza.


Eric said...

Dude, Home Run Inn pizza! Dude.

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