Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Good Cinema

While on the flight from Cincinnati to Salt Lake City last night I watched L'Enfant. I picked this up almost a year ago and I finally decided to view it. And I can't believe I waited so long. This has to be one of the greatest films in the last ten years. No joke.

Again, I find myself in awe of French cinema. Which builds my belief that French films have some of the most important features made.

Immediately finishing L'Enfant, I thought of Robert Bresson's masterpiece, Pickpocket. Both of these films are very similar in story and in context. Both films are about men who are in love and resort to petty thieving to survive. They both get caught by authorities and both spend time in prison. And the ending for both films leave me breathless, (Pun partly intended). Pickpocket had one of my favorite endings, but I think L'Enfant bumps up in line. The ending uses no words to communicate and was filmed with one continuous shot.

I've also decided that dialogue is distracting. And I'm sure that a lot of words are not needed to tell a story. When God ordered the world into being, he simply had to say four words, "let there be __" and nothing more.

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