Monday, December 17, 2007

Year End List Coming Soon...

Right now, I am putting together my top 20 albums of the year. And it probably wont be hard for a few of you to predict what will be listed.

I want to bring to light a record very few people I know have talked about, Dan Deacon's "Spiderman of the Rings". And why it will be in my top 20.

First, this interview/performance from Dan is sweet. He talks about his equipment, including a 35 year old function generator he found in the garbage.

"Wham City" is close to 12 minutes in length and changes direction halfway through, giving us a crazy exhausting ending. And if the lyrics in this song were illustrated into a kids picture book, it would blow almost all other picture books off the market.

Also, for the first time in my life have I ever heard anyone give a shout out to their dad for being the coolest dad.

"Snake Mistakes"
My dad is so cool
he is the coolest dad in dad school
he does not break any dad rules
he would pick you up if i asked him to

If you grew up with Loony Tunes and other such cartoons, you will love this record. Like I do.

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