Sunday, January 27, 2008

There Will Be Blood! A Piece of Cinematic Heaven!

This film is so good, it could bridge two continents together and withstand any storm for a 1000 years.

It has Kubrick written all over it and the entire film is like one long suspenseful, nerve-tingling scene.

Day-Lewis's acting was so incredible, all other acting was put to shame next to him. Man, I hope he wins best actor. And I hope this wins best picture.

Anna and I have been watching other PT Anderson films. I've seen all but Hard Eight, which is not available to rent in Minneapolis. We watched Boogie Nights last week followed by Punch Drunk Love. Both of which are fantastic. And then Magnolia, which I've seen probably 10 times in my life, will watch again in a few days.

It's confirmed after viewing There Will Be Blood, that PT Anderson is now a favorite director and I'll study his films in more depth. I'll study the way I study Terrence Malick's Thin Red Line and Robert Bresson's Balthazar. I'll study from the three minute continuous shot that opened Boogie Nights through the precise placement and usage of sound in There Will Be Blood.

This is good. Since I was married to my beautiful wife back in June of 2007, I haven't watched many films. Hardly any. I don't really care to watch movies that often. And I've wished for that to change. Since our move to the Twin Cities a few weeks ago, I've started reading The Road (again), I've listen to In Rainbows and the In Rainbows CD release show Radiohead played on the 16th of January more then I've listen to any album in my life (At least is seems that way). With those two things combined with There Will Be Blood, I feel more then inspired to start writing another screenplay. Which will be a drama with a few Sci-Fi elements worked in. But more about that later.

Tonight, we're watching Network. Which is said to be PT's favorite film. After this post, I probably won't bring up PT Anderson for a long time. Just like David Brent, I too don't like redundancies.


Lenny said...

woo yeah. It needs to come to billings before I kill myself.

Él Héctor said...

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll have to check this movie out. And may the Muses continue to inspire you.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, dude, Network is the shit.
