Thursday, April 28, 2005

The staying up until 1am to view this film

I wasn't able to rent Birth so I'm watching Donnie Darko instead.

  • Donnie Darko

    Richard said...

    Who the hell are you and how come you sound just like me?

    Brian Murnion said...

    Who the hell are you, and how come YOU sound just like me?? But to answer your question, I will do so in third-person. Brian is a middle class sappy white boy who will be going back to school to study film. Brian is hoping to get married soon, he drinks more Summit EPA then he should and he used to work for caribou coffee. Since I've been here in MN, I've been in the hospital twice, and coming this fall will have moved three times....ect

    Unknown said...

    Hey, Rich used to work for Caribou too. This is a little gross. Perhaps you should avoid each other.

    -A neutral Floridian

    Richard said...


    Email me at We should have coffee sometime.
