Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ahead With Radiohead

  • Green Plastic

  • News from the studio
    May 12, 2005 10:30 AM - Posted by Jonathan
    EXCLUSIVE! The band recently got together in the studio to play through new material, with reportedly 15 songs that they are working on with two of them described as "already done and amazing." They are in high spirits and happy to be playing together. The band first got together back in January and Thom played a bunch of his new songs for the others. Having never heard the songs before, the rest of the band just jumped in and started adding their own parts. The whole recording process has been described as "unorganized" and very different than the way Radiohead has recorded before.
    We've been told that the new album should be finished by December with a release date in Feburay or March 2006. Touring will possibly begin in February 2006.
    We'll have more information very soon...
    (thanks to Rich)


    Amanda Mae said...

    I am wildly wildly wildly jealous of your bright eyes experience. I have only seen him twice... and I really wanted to see the faint as well. june tenth, I hate thee!

    Brian Murnion said...

    We missed the Faint but people at the show were saying that they weren't a good live band, so we didn't sweat it.

    Cathie said...

    woo hoo! this is good news.