Friday, December 8, 2006

He'll Turn Our Frowns Upside Down.

We serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Today, I was reminded of this.

It really doesn't matter how well you plan something out, God always has the first and the last word in everything. The lack of a lead actor for my film project has turned into a blessing. Rescheduling the production to the middle of January happens to be the best thing for me and I can not understand how God brought everything together. But It blows my fricken head right off! Yes, off!

Because of this, I am able to bring the short film to a whole new level. I don't want to spoil anything, so you'll have to wait four more weeks.

Holy Father, forgive my unbelief and my quickness to doubt You're goodness.

1 comment:

thefirstdeb2 said...

Does that mean that you are done now since it has nearly been 4 weeks?