Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Short Film Update to Date

My latest project is to film my third Sufjan Stevens music video, Trinity style.

Here's what I'm going through. Someone once wondered why on "infomercials, the payments are always done in easy payments. He asked that there be a product available for three easy payments and one f*$king complicated payment. They won't know what payment it is, but one of these payments is going to be a beotch. The mailman will get shot to death, the envelope will not seal and the stamp will be in the wrong denomination. Good luck f*$ker!"

The production of this short is sorta like that. "Everything is in it's right place", so to speak, except my actors.
First I pick my main actor who would be perfect for the part. We work through the script, his lines and test out scenes on my porch. I then set out to find a set of parents or two individuals who can play parents. Which, next to finding kids to play parts in films, finding actual parents to act is the second hardest role to fill. Within days I find some parents who are way cool and would be great playing the part. Few days later I find out they can't do it. OK, so I wait and continue looking and I find another set of parents who would be even better. They're excited to play the parts which would help me out a lot. Come today, I get a call from my main actor telling me he has a job now and can't make the movie. Alright, well a man has to work, no hard feelings. I called up another guy to discuss over coffee the role and asked if he would play the part. He's going to think about it, however he's busy all weekend, so I have to push back the film another 5 days and shoot it during the middle of the week over the span of a few afternoons.
This all took place this week since Sunday. I've been nervous and am wondering how everything is going to turn out. This is a Christmas story, so it needs to be done before Christmas.
It'll be done, I have faith.

Oh, and the story is written by the one and only Joshua Gibbs!
Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Statureman said...

Dude that is awesome news I have been waiting for a new film from you for a while!