Tuesday, April 17, 2007

David Gordon Green Is Becoming One Of My Favorite Directors.

It's 2:45 am and I just finished watching Undertow. Which is one of the best films from 2004! I don't get scared to easily and I'm immune to most horror themes. However, my spine hasn't been this tingled in some time. The first 6 min's, the opening credits, are worth more then Bill Gates.


Nathan Erickson said...

Hey Brian, this is Nathan. Haven't commented on your site or Kevin's site in a long while. Been busy... Things like attempting to make another black and white video with my crappy 3 megapixel camera that only takes 21 seconds of high quality video each time. I can still make a good movie (video quality isn't the greatest), but it doesn't record sound. (I don't care about sound, I always put music to my videos.) Anywhoo, I have gathered up enough confidence to make a second attempt at a video. Now that I look back on it, my first black and white video sucked.

I have watched all of your videos many times over and studied the way you film. You have actually been one of the big inspirations for me. Now that I have seen all of your videos many times, I will attempt to make a second black and white video.

I’m having trouble deciding what the video will be about. Oh well. I’ll think of something eventually.

There was one main reason that I was gonna post a comment on your site. Now I’m not sure if you already knew or not, but I checked your previous posts and didn’t see anything about it. THE NEW BRAVERY CD COMES OUT ON MAY 22ND!!! I swear, the first Bravery CD was one of those CD’s where every single song was awesome. I hope that this next one is the same.

Here is a link to the info so far about the new CD.


Brian Murnion said...

Thanks Nathan. I didn't even hear about the new Bravery, I'll definitely pick that up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian,
It looks like I'm going to be on a team in the 48 hour film project here in Minneapolis in June. which will be pretty much awesome.By the way when are you coming back to Minnesota?